Latest Updates
April 2022 Co-editing a Journal Special Issue on “Interaction Design and the Automated City” for Multimodal Technologies and Interaction. The special issue is now open for submission.
March 2022 Co-organising the 2nd Designerly HRI workshop in conjunction with the HRI-conference
February 2022 Submitted my PhD thesis on Urban Robotic Interfaces and started a Postdoctoral Research position at The University of Sydney
September 2021 Serving as an Associate Chair in the program committee of ACM CHI 2020 (Subcommittee Design)
May 2021 PhD project on Urban Robotics has been nominated for the Media Architecture Biennale Awards
April 2021 Paper “Eliciting New Perspectives in RtD Projects through Annotated Portfolios: A Case Study of Robotics Artefacts” accepted to the International Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS’21)
March 2021 Best Paper Honourable Mention Award for “Context-Based Interface Prototyping: Understanding the Effect of Prototype Representation on User Feedback” at CHI 2021
March 2021 Co-organising a workshop on Research-through-Design Approaches in Human-Robot Interaction in conjunction with the HRI-conference
December 2020 Paper “Context-Based Interface Prototyping: Understanding the Effect of Prototype Representation on User Feedback” accepted to the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’21)
December 2020 Paper “Augmenting Remote Interviews through Virtual Experience Prototypes” received Steve Howard Award For The Best Student Paper at 32nd Australian Conference On Human-Computer Interaction (OzCHI’20)
Current Projects

Creative AI for HRI Design Explorations
We explore the potential of using generative text-to-image models to overcome design fixation and enhance creative processes in HRI design such as ideating and visualising robotic artifacts and robot sociotechnical imaginaries.

Designing Interactions with Autonomous Vehicles
In an interdisciplinary collaboration between engineering and design we are researching how autonomous vehicles can communicate to pedestrians in shared spaces, and methods of prototyping and evaluating interactions with AVs in VR.

Woodie is a free-moving, chalk-drawing urban robot using the public space as a large canvas. The project explores novel forms of pervasive urban displays and interrogates the role of urban robots in social spaces.