I’m a Lecturer in Design at the Design Lab at the School of Architecture, Design and Planning at the University of Sydney. My research explores how to design and prototype interactions with emerging technologies, such as robots and autonomous systems. I am particularly passionate about interaction design for public urban spaces.
I hold a PhD from the Design Lab at the University of Sydney, which focused on the design of urban robotic interfaces to enable encounters with non-humanoid robots in cities. I hold a Bachelor and Master of Science in Media Informatics from the University of Munich, Germany. In the industry, I gained professional experience in Interface and User Experience Design for the Web, Mobile and Embedded Application Development for the Internet of Things, In-Vehicle Infotainment and Interactive Lighting Design.

- Honourable Mention Award (top 5% of submissions) at CHI 2021, March 2021
- Steve Howard Award For The Best Student Paper at OzCHI 2020, December 2020
- Student Dissemination Prize, School of Architecture, Design and Planning, University of Sydney, December 2020
- Honourable Mention Award (top 5% of submissions) at CHI 2020, March 2020
- Best Paper Award at PerDis 2019, June 2019
- Australian Government RTP Scholarship International (tuition fees offset and stipend), 2018 – 2021
- DAAD Stipend, 2016
Talks & Exhibitions
- Paper presentation at “Explainable and trustworthy autonomous physical systems” workshop as part of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, online, May 2021.
- Paper presentation at the 39th SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’21), online, May 2021.
- Paper presentation at the 32nd Australian Conference On Human-Computer Interaction (OzCHI’20), December 2020.
- Paper presentation at Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (PerDis-Track), November 2020.
- Speaker at Enriching HRI Research with Qualitative Methods, Virtual Workshop as part of International Conference on Social Robotics, November 2020.
- Speaker at MAB Meetup | Futures Implied: new horizons in Media Architecture, Virtual Event, November 2020.
- Speaker at MAB Meetup | Media Architecture in the University Context, Virtual Event, HAW Hamburg, July 2020.
- Paper presentation at CHI Down Under 2020 (local virtual event for Australia and New Zealand, in lieu of CHI 2020), May 2020.
- Exhibiting Woodie as part of the TEI2020 Arts Track Exhibition “Never odd or eveN” at Tin Sheds Gallery, Sydney, Australia, February 2020.
- Speaker at the Workshop on Mobile Robot in Public Space, Australia-Korea Foundation Project, University of Sydney, NSW, Australia, February 2020.
- Speaker at the Community Engagement Summit, Sydney, NSW, Australia, November 2019.
- Paper presentation at the 8th International Symposium on Pervasive Displays (PerDis’19), Palermo, Italy, June 2019.
- Speaker at Vivid Ideas, May 2019.
- Speaker at “Design @ Dusk”- talk series by the Design Lab at the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning at the University of Sydney, May 2019.
- Exhibiting Woodie at Tin Sheds Gallery, Sydney, Australia, June 2019.
- Exhibiting Woodie at Vivid Sydney 2019, Chatswood, Australia, May and June 2019.
- Paper presentation at the Media Architecture Biennale (MAB’18), Beijing, China, November 2018.
- Paper presentation at the 7th International Symposium on Pervasive Displays (PerDis’18), Munich, Germany, June 2018.
- Paper presentation at the 36th SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’18), Montreal, Canada, April 2018.
- Exhibiting the Light Shifting Display at the ARS Electronica Festival 2017, Linz, Austria, September 2017.
- Paper presentation at the 6th International Symposium on Pervasive Displays (PerDis’17), Lugano, Switzerland, June 2017.
- Demo presentation at the 11th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interactions (TEI’17), Yokohama, Japan, March 2017.
- Speaker at “Design @ Dusk”- talk series by the Design Lab at the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning at the University of Sydney, August 2016.
- Paper presentation & panel discussion at the Media Architecture Biennale (MAB’16), Sydney, Australia, June 2016.
- Paper presentation at the 4th International Symposium on Pervasive Displays (PerDis’15)’, Saarbrücken, Germany, June 2015.
- Light installation at the Wedding/Moabit Festival, Berlin, Germany, September 2014.
- Paper presentation at the Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS’14), Vancouver, Canada, June 2014.