
Participation+ was a media architecture installation exhibited at the Vivid Sydney, a large public festival taking place every winter in Sydney (Australia), attracting an audience of over 2 million people. The installation is structured using modular light cell components, in order to support adaptable public media environments that can be easily changed and reframed in response to the on-site conditions.

We developed a purpose-built software, using Java and Processing, that is capable to 1) generate 3D media installations based on contextual and technical constraints, 2) rendering the generated structures to explore content before the actual installation is built, and 3) live running of visual effects on the final media installation using the DMX-protocol.


Software Development: Luke Hespanhol, Marius Hoggenmueller

Project Lead: Media Architecture Insitute (M. Hank Haeusler)

Architectural Design: UNSW CoDe
External Partners
Key Publications
Marius Hoggenmueller and Luke Hespanhol. P+: a test fit platform for generative design of 3d media architecture. In Proc. of the 6th International Symposium on Pervasive Displays (PerDis’17)